Generations Day
Friday, March 4, 2022

9:30 AM - Grades K-2 Chapel and Presentations
10:30 AM - Grades 3-8 Chapel and Presentations

We are so excited to welcome grandparents and family friends to join us on Friday, March 4, 2022, for Generations Day! It will be a morning we hope you will “taste and see” the Lord’s goodness at Cambridge School.

Along with chapel and class presentations in our sanctuary at 9:30 AM (for grades kindergarten through 2nd grade) and 10:30 AM (for grades 3-8), we invite you to join a Cambridge parent or staff member for a tour of our campus and classrooms. You will be able to take a peek into your grandchild’s classroom and say hello!


If you would like to sign up for a tour time, please choose the grade levels in which you have grandchildren or students at Cambridge:

If you are unable to join us in person, that’s okay! We will be streaming the chapels and presentations at 9:30 AM (for grades K-2) and 10:30 AM (for grades 3-8). Make sure we have your email address, so we can send you the Zoom link the day before the event on Thursday, March 3!

Email Lisa Bond, Director of Advancement, at if you have any questions.

Grandparent and Family Friend Contact Form

Please complete the form below if you have not received an email from Cambridge about Generations Day! We would love to keep you up to date on what’s happening with your grandchildren.