Advent Reflection: Joy

As you read the Christmas story with your family, consider how you can choose joy. What is God saying to your heart about finding joy in your circumstances? Know that He seeks you and that we can find Him in all circumstances when we choose joy.

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Lisa Bond
Advent Reflection: Hope

The tree provides this wonderful mix of longing and joy, already and not yet. Hope. Hope is the tension we experience while we wait.

But Christian hope isn’t optimism or wishful thinking. Optimism is based on our circumstances, on what’s happening now or the happiness we can manufacture from it.

Christian hope looks backward to inform what’s to come.

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Lisa Bond
The Beauty and Goodness of Civility

Whatever the outcome of this election, we each have a place of service to which God has called us, and we each have been entrusted with “extraordinary” opportunities to love our families, our friends, and our neighbors…

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Lisa Bond
Outdoor Education: A Rich Environment for Growth and Learning

By including opportunities to play and learn in outdoor spaces, young minds journey down a path that guides growth in areas such as critical thinking, self regulation, and creativity. Open-ended outdoor play experiences set the stage for problem solving and self-competence in a way that structured classroom learning cannot provide.

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Lisa Bond
Deeply Rooted: Our Hopes and Dreams for Our Children

What does it mean to infuse our dreams and hopes for children with this rich biblical metaphor of a deeply rooted oak tree, a tree that stands upon the strength of character development and the formation of habits that ultimately flow from nourishing children’s intrinsic desire for the good, the beautiful, and the true, deeply rooted in the ideals of righteousness, justice, and peace? 

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Lisa Bond
4th Grade at Cambridge: Knighted to Serve

What then is Chivalry? So strong a thing, and of such hardihood, and so costly in the learning, that a wicked man or low dare not undertake it... Whoso would enjoy high honor first must suitable display that he has well been schooled to such arts...

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Lisa Bond