Lean In: Parent Partnership at Cambridge School

By: Maria Dubois

In geometry, the triangle is by far the strongest shape. When force is applied to a triangle of rigid construction, it can retain its shape up to the tensile limit of the material used. The same force applied to a square of the same material can easily shift the shape into a parallelogram.

Those strong, upright squares with their four proud right angles. Too much pressure and their shapes are shifted. Not so for the simple triangle.  Secure on a firm foundation, a triangle finds its strength by leaning in.

Parent partnership at Cambridge can be likened to a triangle. With Christ at the foundation, the parents and the teachers both lean in to form the apex. On both sides of the base, strength emanates solely from the acceptance that both parts are essential. Housed snugly within are Cambridge students, the entirety of which forms our learning community.

The inclusion of the phrase “…partner with parents to educate…” in our mission statement is based on the specific embrace of an educational philosophy that honors parents as participants in the education of their children. This stems from a posture that recognizes that children belong to God first, and education is an outflow of stewardship.

From reading to your child at night, to attending parent conferences, to chaperoning a field trip or serving as extra eyes at recess, parent partnership is vital to the life of our community and school. Let’s apply our strength and support a meaningful year of growth and learning. With Christ as our foundation, let’s all lean in. 

Lisa Bond