Look What Marvelous Things The Lord Has Done!
Heather Strube, Head of School
As we begin the 2022-2023 school year with all of its excitement from Kindergarten to 8th grade, we are also celebrating 25 years as a school. Cambridge opened its doors in 1998 in northern Baltimore County with 29 students, and now 25 years later, we are thrilled that more and more children are experiencing a Christ-centered education than we ever imagined. New families have joined us during the past couple of years because imaginations have been captured by what we get to do as a small, Christ-Centered school with a classical, integral approach to learning in a beautiful, natural environment.
“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”
Each year Cambridge chooses a theme to focus the attention of our community. This year we are finding encouragement in the Psalms, beginning each chapel with a call and response, "This is the Lord's doing; it is MARVELOUS in our eyes." (Ps. 118:23). This psalm served like an ancient hymn for Israel who sang it to rehearse the story of God's rescue of them, expressing their gratitude, joy, and praise. As readers of the New Testament, we hear echoes of the psalm as gospel writers connected the fulfillment of Israel’s hymn of rescue in what Jesus accomplished through His bodily resurrection. Everything we do as a school is centered upon this foundational understanding, defining who we are in His Story; we are a part of a grander narrative centered on the risen Christ and the ongoing work of His Spirit.
As we mark Cambridge’s 25th anniversary, we invite you to marvel with us for what God has done over the life of our school. First, join us in expressing gratitude and joy as we invite you to pray with us this year. Second, enjoy reading an upcoming series of 10 blog posts written by Cambridge founders, faculty, and staff to remind us of our educational distinctives as a school. During Cambridge's 5th anniversary, Michael Pollock, our first Head of School, outlined ten "stones", or memorials to what God had taught Cambridge in its infancy in times of joy, celebration, weariness, and wonder. As Michael shared, "Throughout our formation as a school it is the Father who has sustained, the Spirit that has guided and comforted, and Christ who has redeemed." During the coming months, our blog posts will be framed by the ten "stones":
All Truth is God's Truth
Faith and Reason are Workmates
The Holy Spirit is our Partner
Imagination is the Key to Transformation
We are a Learning Community, not an Educational Product
We are a Wildlife Refuge, Not a Hothouse
We Learn not for School but for Life
I am, I can, I will
The Height of Learning is to Love Jesus
We are Desperately Reliant on God
My heart is overflowing with joy as we enter this school year, and the unique moment we get to mark, as we remember where Cambridge has been and look ahead to the future with hope. We value your partnership with us, and without it, we could not fulfill this sacred vocation of educating our children in virtue and truth.
“Throughout our formation as a school it is the Father who has sustained, the Spirit that has guided and comforted, and Christ who has redeemed.”