Cambridge Distinctives: Christ-Centered
By: Dana Frain, Parent
Much of what you hear on the news today involves violence, racism, and corruption. We ask ourselves, “Where do these things come from?” In The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis writes, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”
Children’s worldviews and characters are formed by their families, communities, and schools. When our family found Cambridge, we discovered a place that would not only give our children a great education but also help form their godly character, teach them to know what is good, right, and true, and spark in them a love of what is truly beautiful.
One of Cambridge’s Core Values is developing children’s character. The pillars of character emphasized are compassion, respect, honesty, self-discipline, and responsibility. At Cambridge, it is common to see students of all ages, from 5 to 14, playing together at recess. The older students are expected to have compassion for the younger students, to look out for them, to help them. The 8th grade travels to a community in Mexico to volunteer, a culminating experience for the soon-to-be graduates of Cambridge School. The testimonies from this trip are amazing as students’ eyes are opened and their hearts are stirred.
Last year our son’s 6th grade class went star gazing at his teacher’s house on a Friday night. She sent home note cards containing Psalm 19:1-2: “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of his hands.” Yes, this is why we study astronomy!
We wrote in an end-of year thank you letter to the Head of School last year: “How do you thank the people responsible for doing the hard work every day to make Cambridge a safe, loving, and Christ-filled place, where learning is fascinating, delightful, and life-giving? Who do you thank for granting your son the chance to sing, play soccer/flag football/basketball, dance, act, and run cross country?”
We could write a similar letter this year watching my sixth grader study Latin and Logic, memorize John 15, build a “Gingerbread Mayflower,” and travel to a Friends Meeting House to learn about the Quaker religion. My seventh grader has read great books, learned to knit, acted in The Wizard of Oz, and gone on a biking trip to Gettysburg. How could I forget the Leadership Retreat at River Valley Ranch, Literature Fest, Winter Social, the Civil War Dance, and Secret Saints?
At Cambridge, children are seen as persons created in God's image, not empty minds to be filled. Jesus Christ is an active, living presence in everything the school does.
Faculty at Cambridge pray daily for the school community.